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Category Archives: PCB/FPC/PTF
Top ENIG PCB Issues: Black Pad and Phosphorus-Rich Layers Explained with Prevention Tips
With the rapid adoption of smartphones, the trend toward miniaturized electronic products, and the EU’s requirements for lead-free manufacturing, Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) surface treatment PCB has become a popular choice for many electronic products. This is largely due … Continue reading
What Are PCB Cross-out Boards (X-out Boards)?
In the PCB industry, there is a specific term called “Cross-out boards” or “X-out boards” to indicate that a panel of PCBs contains defective boards. The term “Cross” refers to marking these defective boards with an “X” symbol.
The Benefits of Using “Mirrored Panelization” for PCBs
In the electronics assembly manufacturing industry, what we commonly refer to as a “Mirrored Panel Board” or “Flipped Panel Board” actually comes in two types. The first type is a different-side mirrored panel board, where one board’s top side and … Continue reading
The Limitations of Using “Mirrored Panels” or “Flipped Panels” in SMT
We all know that when producing PCBs and PCBAs, multiple individual PCBs are usually combined into one larger panel, a process called panelization, to improve production efficiency. Typically, these individual boards are arranged in a neat and consistent manner with … Continue reading
Causes and Prevention of PCB Warping and Bending After Reflow
A reader recently asked: “In surface mount assembly, PCBs often warp or bend after going through the reflow process, which can cause issues like open solder joints or tombstoning. How can we overcome this?” To be honest, the reasons behind … Continue reading